Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Security - Investigation - Consulting - Homeland Security Training and Certification Institute
C4SEM Community Support Projects

Every month, our C4SEM® Cop Shop will donate a portion of the proceeds from sales of the specific "in-store" products to carefully selected Project of the Month using the following criteria:
Is implanted by a nonprofit organization
The organization is actively demonstrates a high level of effectiveness and engagement within the community
Provides regular high-quality, substantive, and informative project reports
Has demonstrated need and the capacity to absorb the generous funding from Project of the Month donation
How It Works
Your purchase from our store
Every month we send a portion of proceeds to a different high-impact project
We post a list of the projects and amount donated on this page
FY 2020
Request to be added to the list
Since 2010, C4SEM® has provided military, federal, state and local departments, and agencies with high-quality, security and investigative services and hands-on, scenario-driven training, exercises, and technical assistance.
Managed and Operated By Police Officers