Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Security - Investigation - Consulting - Homeland Security Training and Certification Institute
Certified Site Safety and Health Inspector (CSSHI)
CSSHI certification course provides policy-level knowledge and real-world skills about how safety officers should comply with EM 385-1-1 and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) contraction project standards. This enhanced course is very interactive, applies to Government and DOD construction projects; and includes many tools to assist safety officers with EM 385 & OSHA compliance. During this training, students will learn how to properly produce and submit an acceptable Site Specific Accident Prevention Program (APP) and Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA). This certification program will cover the Unified Facility Guide Specification Section 01 35 26 Government Safety Requirement 08/09, Construction Safety Hazard Awareness Training for SSHO and US ARMY Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual EM 385-1-1 15 September 2008, Section 01.A.17 Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO). In addition, this certification program meets Construction Safety Hazard Awareness Course for safety officers and contractors.
(12 units)
500 Series Certification
Minimum Experience: 5 years
Certification Exam: Required
Safety topics covered during this class include, but are not limited to, the following:
Program Management
Medical and First-Aid Requirements
Temporary Facilities
Personal Protective and Safety Equipment
Hazardous or Toxic Agents and Environments
Accident Prevention Signs, Tags, Labels, Signals, Piping System Identification and Traffic Control
Fire Prevention and Protection
Welding and Cutting
Control of Hazardous Energy
Hand and Power Tools
Material Handling, Storage and Disposal
Cranes and Hoisting Equipment
Motor Vehicles, Machinery, and Mechanized Equipment, All Terrain Vehicles, Utility Vehicles, and other Specialty Vehicles
Floating Plant and Marine Activities
Pressurized Equipment and Systems
Fall Protection
Work Platforms and Scaffolding
Safe Access, Ladders, Floor & Wall Openings, Stairs, and Railing Systems
Excavations and Trenching
Underground Construction (Tunnels), Shafts, and Caissons
Concrete, Masonry, Steel Erection, and Residential Construction
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
Confined Space EntryBenefits Include:
Unique EM 385-1-1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health requirements
Knowledge of the DOD's safety requirements, which are utilized on all military installations
Identifying Hazards and Determining Appropriate Applicable Standard
Preparing Reports
Recommending Hazard Abatement Methods